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Everyone Loves Florida State And National Parks!


Looking for a fun, affordable getaway that offers something for everyone? Check out Florida – and make sure to visit one of the amazing national parks while you’re there! Whether you’re looking for beautiful beaches, year-round sunshine, world-class golfing, or amazing wildlife experiences, Florida has it all. And with 16 national parks located in the Sunshine State, there’s plenty of adventure waiting for you. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your dream Florida vacation today! There are many Florida state and national parks for tourists to visit. These public areas for recreation are accessible to visitors of all ages. They even accommodate different nationalities too. What makes them popular is the natural beauty they offer. Some visit them for their strange ecosystem. Still, others select them for the plentifulness of their amusements. Thus, they make ideal hotspots for travelers all over the globe. In the fourth quarter of 2021, 29 million local visitors traveled to the state. At the same time, 1.5 million guests visited too. With these numbers, it’s safe to assume that many visited the various Florida parks. It’s no wonder there was a 2% increase in the total hotel revenues. That is when compared to how well the state did back in 2019. This is according to flgov.com.  


florida national park


Why Florida State And National Parks Are Worth It


It’s worth spending time in Florida National Parks. Also, it’s the same thing with Florida State Parks. Whenever people would visit them, they get to walk and do other activities. Being active contributes to blood glucose, blood pressure, and heart health management. Walking alone helps lower cholesterol levels, reduce swelling, and improve one’s mental health. So going to any natural reserve is good for the health. Going to these federal or state public areas helps in preserving nature. That would be in keeping rare and endangered species alive. It includes large and small beasts and vegetation. Aside from that, such aids in boosting the economic value of a place. That’s because these spots need manpower to keep going. Visiting them preserves certain jobs. An article even mentioned that guests spent a lot in communities close to national parks. They supported thousands of jobs and gave billions of money to the national economy. Thus, visiting Florida state and national parks help people in general.

flamingo in florida national park


Most Popular Florida National Parks

The national government established these recreational sites to maintain the natural environment. It’s also to let taxpayers know that branches of the government use their taxes for good. Still, it’s to provide areas where people can also spend time relaxing, and having fun. It’s also where guests can learn about history. Thus, they are excellent for getting some respite and education at the same time. There are several of these across the various Florida counties. Here are some of the known Florida national parks that many prefer to visit or even frequent.


Everglades National Park

Florida State and National ParksOf the Florida state and national parks, this one is very popular. It remains the largest semitropic wild in the state. For the most part, it has plenty of wetlands, mangroves, forests, and marshes. We can say that it’s “swampy”. Yet its environment makes the various wildlife species survive. Present in the park are rare, exotic, and threatened plants and animals. Examples of these are manatees and elusive Florida black panthers. There are also alligators and birds to see in the Shark Valley area. These make the trip to it worth it. Based on its facilities, pathways, and views, travelingfoundlove.com scored it 14 out of 20. The morethanjustparks.com gave it a score of 32.5 out of 50. They based their review on its accessibility, recreation, crowds, amenities, and scenery. In any case, this park allows for canoeing, kayaking, and airboat rides and tours. So parts of the 1.5 acres of the park are worth exploring and enjoying.  


Dry Tortugas National Park


florida natural preserveReachable only by boat or seaplane, the trip to this park is worth it. In it, guests see in its clear and pleasing waters magnificent marine life and coral reefs. It’s where people can find and explore the unfinished Fort Jefferson in the Gulf of Mexico. Thus it is one of the Florida state and national parks that people take notice of when learning about Florida. Often, visitors here do some swimming, snorkeling, diving, and fishing. Others try camping and go on historic tours. This is while checking the 7 islands and viewing all sorts of wildlife. It’s the place where folks can see live sharks, barracudas, lobsters, sea sponges, and more. The fees are for the ferry and seaplane tickets plus the use of camping sites. Although the place has camping grounds, most of the park is water. In this way, travelers need to have cash, the right swimming outfit, and a camera to capture moments.  


De Soto National Memorial


de soto memorial natural reserveOf the different Florida state and national parks, this is the one that commemorates Hernando de Soto. He’s a controversial explorer and conqueror who’s famous for traveling over North America. Many might say that his past treatment of native Americans is unjust. But people still appreciate him reaching and somehow giving importance to “La Florida”. Thus folks made this park possible in 1948. This is a recreational area that allows pets like dogs to visit. It also has plenty of outdoor activities for guests to experience. There are sections for kayaking, camping, and best hiking trails in Central Florida. Of the various Florida national parks, this one is great for wildlife watching. It is where bald eagles, white pelicans, and loons frequent. Plus, it’s got historic sites and is free to the public. Thus, it gets recommended to travelers too.  


Prominent Florida State Parks


The Florida state government created these protected areas. Their purpose is to conserve locations for their ecological, scenic, and societal values. With them around, nearby communities get help surviving or even thriving. They also expose locals to nature and artifacts for health and cultural preservation. Of course, these wildlife sanctuaries prevent certain plants and animals from going extinct. Thus, it pays to visit them for personal gain and to help nature and the community. There are over a hundred of these Florida state parks right now. Some of them are very popular among domestic and even foreign tourists. Here are some of the few that people choose as their ideal holiday destination in the state.  


Dade Battlefield Historic State Park


Florida historic state parkLocated in Sumter County near Bushnell City, it is one of the historical Florida state and national parks. In 1835, it was the battle site of the most extensive and expensive American Indian war. With the right funding, folks decided to preserve the place in 1921. Now, it’s become a place of picnics, hiking, and picture-taking. It is available every day to accept visitors from 8 in the morning to dawn, with fees for people and vehicles. So guests can come to visit at their convenience and have plenty of time to explore it. It’s a great Florida State Park because it has the Dade lodge to rent for all types of gatherings. Rangers there are also available to give guests detailed tours. Trails ideal for hiking adventures and a Visitor Center with exhibits are available. Still, the recreational ground itself is a national historic landmark. Thus, visiting it is not only meaningful and enjoyable but also an honor and privilege.    


Devil’s Millhopper Geological State Park


geological state park in floridaWhat makes this Florida State Park interesting is the place’s huge, gaping sinkhole. It looks like a funnel that also resembles a grain hopper. People called it the Devil’s Millhopper for a variety of reasons. Some say that bones and fossils were at the bottom of the hole long ago. Folks then might have associated their presence with something related to the devil. But the sinkhole resulted from limestone collapse. The site has bridges and other structures to view the geological formation and more. Thus folks recommend visiting the park due to its rarity. The park is only open from Wednesdays to Sundays, charging fees to visitors. There is a trail on top of the sinkhole with a path to descend to its bottom. Guided tours and areas for picnics are also available for people and even pets tagging along. This state park offers wildlife viewing with a few animals to see too. Still, the Visitor Center offers guests a program explaining the earth’s formation there. That being so, the visitors’ stay in this recreational ground is often interesting.    


Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park


dark sky park in kissimmee floridaIt is one of the most unique sites of the many Florida state and national parks. Not only is it in a remote area, but also allows for stargazing in the dark nighttime sky. This recreational area in Okeechobee County is a nature reserve that is the first Dark Sky Park. The area has little to no light pollution so folks got to preserve the wildlife and atmosphere. Thus going there gives guests unique daytime and evening experiences. Some of the animals to see there are the Florida Grasshopper Swallow and Burrowing Owl. Plenty of birds to take pictures of in the park are seasonal creatures. So it’s best to schedule one’s trip to see them. Still, the place offers modern, equestrian, and primitive camping experiences too. As for the stargazing, designated spots are available to reserve. As follows, going to this “dark” Florida state park is gainful for many reasons.



The Basics Of Florida State And National Parks


The number of Florida state parks is 175. These recreational grounds offer pleasure opportunities for residents and visitors alike. As for the Florida national parks, there are only 11. Yet people can also experience relaxation, fun, and adventures with these sanctuaries. Both kinds allow for nature exposure and exploration. So they are perfect for holidays and even random escapades.


Differentiation Between Parks


The difference between these reserves is their ownership, usage, and administration. Divisions of the federal government run the Florida national parks. The US Departments of Interior and Agriculture are the ones responsible for them. That is while taxpayers have a say on what happens to them. The state and its officials control the Florida state parks. Thus ,it’s the taxes that pay for the national parks while those of the state need to make money to go on. It’s the taxpayers that fund the maintenance and improvement of national parks. This means the people are the ones who pay for the preservation of the flora, fauna, and terra. So it’s common for them to have free admission since folks have the right to be there. State parks often charge fees for entrance and other things to stay operational. The officials can even decide if they will sell it to fund state needs. In these ways, Florida state and national parks have unique rules and regulations too. Usually, both kinds of parks have people who care about them. Groups work hard to preserve them. That is for the plant and animal species plus the outdoor environment.  

Florida State And National Parks



In Conclusion


There are many Florida State and National parks to choose from. But, upon knowing what each has to offer, most if not all are worth people’s time and resources. Visiting them may call for planning and take time, but reaching them gives a lot of benefits. They offer more than seeing woodlands and creatures. These parks also provide amenities for comfort and recreational activities for great moments. In visiting them, going for the prominent ones is a good decision. Some are easy to access yet crowded while others are remote but peaceful. For the most part, travelers are welcome to stay for a while in these federal and state parks. It’s because tourists also help the economy of the place where they’re in. So visit these to have fun while helping natural reserves and the community around them.    


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