About Florida Splendors

When you think of Florida, the theme parks might first pop into your mind. Or maybe you think of alligators and mosquitos. And Florida does indeed host those, as well as beautiful beaches, the Daytona 500, and the Miami Dolphins football team.

But I want to show you the true SPLENDORS of Florida.

Florida’s Endangered Birds: What You Need To Know

Florida’s Endangered Birds: What You Need To Know

Florida's diverse birdlife has always fascinated me, but what truly captured my attention are the species that teeter on the brink of extinction. Florida's endangered birds, such as the rare Florida scrub jay and the graceful Wood Stork, face an uphill battle against habitat loss, climate change,...

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Best Bird-Watching Trails In The Everglades

Best Bird-Watching Trails In The Everglades

The Everglades is a unique and breathtaking ecosystem with some of the best bird-watching opportunities I've ever experienced. Whether you're an experienced birding enthusiast or just starting, the bird-watching trails in the Everglades offer countless chances to observe an incredible array of...

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Seasonal Bird Watching Tips for Florida

Seasonal Bird Watching Tips for Florida

This guide will walk you through expert bird watching tips, from selecting the best birding hotspots to packing essential gear and learning the calls of Florida's feathered residents. Seasonal bird watching in Florida offers a front-row seat to nature's vibrant pageant. With its diverse habitats,...

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