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Imagine kayaking Ten Thousand Islands in Everglades City, where you glide through a maze of mangrove islands, and the only sounds are your paddle slicing through the water and the occasional splash from a curious dolphin. This hidden gem offers a unique blend of adventure and tranquility, making it the ultimate destination for paddlers of all levels. Ready to explore a world where nature reigns supreme and every turn reveals something new? Let’s dive into the unforgettable experience of kayaking Ten Thousand Islands.


Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands near Everglades City offers an unparalleled adventure through this captivating coastal wilderness. The experience is enriched by the area’s dynamic environment, where tides shape the landscape and every journey offers something new. Whether you’re navigating the Sandfly Loop or embarking on a multi-day expedition, this region promises a connection with nature that’s as serene as it is exhilarating.

Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands, Everglades City: A Guide to Exploring Florida’s Hidden Coastal Wilderness

Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands


Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands near Everglades City offers a unique adventure through a maze of mangrove islands and wild coastal landscapes. This area provides paddlers access to over 35,000 acres of pristine wilderness, including winding waterways, hidden beaches, and diverse wildlife. You can explore the Sandfly Loop kayak trail, a great introductory route that takes about 2-3 hours to complete.


The Gulf Coast area of Everglades National Park is the perfect starting point for your kayaking journey. You can launch from the Gulf Coast Visitor Center and paddle into the Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge. This region offers short trips and extended expeditions, allowing you to tailor your experience to your skill level and available time.


As you paddle through the islands, you’ll have the chance to spot various wildlife, including dolphins, manatees, and numerous bird species. The area’s rich ecosystem and untouched natural beauty make it a paradise for nature lovers and photographers.

Key Takeaways


  • The Ten Thousand Islands offer a variety of routes suitable for all skill levels, from easy trails like the Sandfly Loop to challenging multi-day adventures.


  • Expect to encounter diverse wildlife in the area’s rich ecosystems, including dolphins, manatees, and various bird species.


  • Everglades City is the perfect starting point for kayaking, with convenient launch sites such as the Gulf Coast Visitor Center and Chokoloskee Bay.


  • Respect the delicate environment by following Leave No Trace principles and supporting local conservation efforts to preserve this unique coastal wilderness.


  • Always check weather forecasts and tidal charts before heading out. Bring essential gear, stay hydrated, and be prepared for sudden weather changes to ensure a safe and enjoyable kayaking experience.

Exploring Ten Thousand Islands


The Ten Thousand Islands offer a unique kayaking experience with diverse ecosystems and abundant wildlife. Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands, you’ll discover a maze of mangrove islands, coastal waterways, and hidden beaches teeming with fascinating plants and animals.

Geographical Overview


The Ten Thousand Islands stretch along Florida’s southwest coast, covering about 35,000 acres. This area includes parts of Everglades National Park and Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge. You’ll find a complex network of mangrove islands, shallow bays, and winding channels.


The landscape constantly changes due to tides, storms, and natural erosion. Many islands are simply oyster beds or sand bars that appear and disappear with the tides. This dynamic environment makes every kayaking trip unique and exciting.

Biological Diversity


As you paddle through the islands, you’ll encounter a rich variety of plant and animal life. Mangroves dominate the landscape, providing crucial habitat for many species. You might spot dolphins, manatees, and sea turtles in the waters around you.


The islands are home to numerous bird species, including pelicans, herons, and ospreys. You’ll see fish like snook, redfish, and tarpon in the water. Crabs and oysters thrive in the shallow areas. The ecosystem here is interconnected, with each species playing a vital role in maintaining the balance of this unique environment.

Importance of Preservation


Preserving the Ten Thousand Islands is crucial for both wildlife and humans. This area is a natural buffer against storms and helps prevent coastal erosion. The mangroves filter pollutants from the water and provide nursery habitats for many fish species. These fish populations are essential for both commercial and recreational fishing.


You can help protect this area by following Leave No Trace principles when kayaking. Avoid disturbing wildlife, and take all your trash with you. Supporting conservation efforts and educating others about the importance of this ecosystem can also make a big difference in preserving it for future generations.

Kayaking in Everglades City

Kayaking in Everglades City


Everglades City offers amazing kayaking experiences through mangrove tunnels and coastal waterways, including the renowned Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands. You’ll find several launch points, ideal paddling seasons, and essential safety tips to remember.

Kayak Launch Points


Everglades City is a gateway to kayaking adventures in the Ten Thousand Islands. You can start your journey from the Gulf Coast Visitor Center, which provides access to Everglades National Park. This launch site is perfect for the Sandfly Loop, a 5-mile trail that takes 2-3 hours to paddle.


Another popular launch point is Chokoloskee Bay. From here, you can explore the Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge. The area offers routes for both short trips and week-long expeditions. For a unique experience, launch from the mouth of the Barron River. This spot gives you access to the 100-mile Wilderness Waterway.

Best Time to Kayak


The best time to kayak in Everglades City is during the dry season, from November to April. During these months, you’ll enjoy cooler temperatures and fewer mosquitoes. Winter months offer calm waters and clear skies, ideal for spotting wildlife.


You might see manatees, dolphins, and various bird species. Avoid paddling during summer afternoons when thunderstorms are common. Early mornings are best for summer kayaking if you visit during the wet season.

Safety Considerations


  • Always check weather forecasts before setting out. Sudden storms can make paddling dangerous.


  • Bring plenty of water and sunscreen. The Florida sun can be intense, even on cloudy days.


  • Use a map and compass or GPS. The mangrove islands can look similar, making it easy to get lost.


  • Wear a life jacket at all times. Even experienced kayakers can face unexpected situations.


  • Be aware of wildlife. Keep a safe distance from alligators and other animals you might encounter.


  • Let someone know your planned route and expected return time. Cell phone coverage can be spotty in some areas.

Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands: Planning Your Trip


Planning a kayaking trip to the Ten Thousand Islands in Everglades City requires careful preparation. You’ll need the right gear, a clear idea of your trip duration, and a decision on whether to go solo or with a guide.

Equipment Checklist


Your kayaking adventure starts with the right equipment. Bring a sturdy kayak suitable for coastal waters. Pack a life jacket, paddle, and a bilge pump. Remember a waterproof map and compass. Sun protection is crucial.


Bring a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and high-SPF sunscreen. Wear quick-drying clothes and water shoes. Pack plenty of water and snacks. A first-aid kit is essential. Bring a waterproof bag for your phone and camera. Insect repellent is a must to fend off mosquitoes and no-see-ums.

Duration and Distance


Your trip length depends on your experience and goals. A short 5-mile loop around Sandfly Island takes 2-3 hours. This is perfect for beginners. Experienced kayakers can plan multi-day trips. The 100-mile Wilderness Waterway offers a week-long adventure. Plan for 10-15 miles of paddling per day. Check tide charts and weather forecasts. Start early to avoid afternoon thunderstorms. Allow extra time for wildlife viewing and rest breaks.

Guided Tours vs Solo Excursions


Guided tours offer safety and local knowledge. Guides know the best routes and can point out wildlife. They provide equipment and handle logistics. This is ideal if you’re new to the area or kayaking. Solo trips give you the freedom to explore at your own pace. You can linger at interesting spots or push on to cover more ground. This option is best for experienced kayakers with good navigation skills.


Burnham Guides offers 3-5-day guided trips. These are an excellent middle ground between short day trips and week-long expeditions. Consider your skill level and comfort with wilderness camping when deciding. Always inform someone of your plans if going solo.

Did You Know?


Several outfitters in Everglades City and nearby areas offer kayak rentals. Visitors can choose from single or tandem kayaks, with fishing kayaks also often available. Rental periods typically range from a few hours to multiple days. Some companies also provide delivery services to the launch point.

Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands: Navigating the Waters

Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands


Exploring the Ten Thousand Islands by kayak requires careful planning and awareness. To navigate this unique ecosystem safely, you must understand tides, weather, and local wildlife.

Reading the Tides


The tides play a crucial role in kayaking the Ten Thousand Islands. It would help if you timed your trips with the tidal flow to avoid getting stranded or fighting against strong currents. Check tide charts before setting out. Plan to start your journey as the tide begins to rise. This will help carry you into the islands.


Aim to ride the outgoing tide back to your starting point for your return trip. Be aware that water levels can change rapidly, exposing or submerging sandbars and oyster beds. Pay attention to narrow passages between islands. These areas can have strong currents during tidal changes. If you need more time navigating these spots, consider taking a wider route around the islands.

Understanding the Weather Patterns


  • Weather conditions in the Everglades can change quickly. It would help if you were prepared for sudden wind, rain, and temperature shifts.


  • Check the forecast before your trip. Look for wind speed, direction, and any chances of thunderstorms. Strong winds can make paddling difficult and create choppy waters.


  • Summer months bring frequent afternoon thunderstorms. Plan to be off the water by early afternoon to avoid these storms. If you see dark clouds or hear thunder, head to shore immediately.


  • Winter months are typically drier and cooler. However, cold fronts can bring strong north winds that make paddling challenging. Dress in layers and bring waterproof gear to stay comfortable.

Respecting Wildlife


The Ten Thousand Islands are home to diverse wildlife. You need to respect these animals and keep a safe distance.


  • Alligators and crocodiles inhabit these waters. While attacks are rare, keeping at least 15-20 feet away is best. Never feed or approach these reptiles.



  • Birds like herons, egrets, and ospreys nest on many islands. Stay away from nesting sites or approach too closely. Use binoculars for a better view without causing stress to the birds.


  • Be mindful of your impact. Pack out all trash and avoid damaging plant life. By respecting the ecosystem, you help preserve it for future paddlers to enjoy.

Check out this extra video on kayaking around Ten Thousand Islands.

By: Joel Franco

Conservation Efforts


Protecting the Ten Thousand Islands ecosystem is crucial for its long-term health, especially as activities like kayaking Ten Thousand Islands become increasingly popular. Several projects and initiatives aim to preserve this unique environment. Visitors play a key role in conservation through responsible practices.

Regional Conservation Projects


The Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge covers 35,000 acres of mangrove islands and marshes. It works to protect endangered species and their habitats—the refuge partners with local organizations to monitor water quality and restore damaged areas.


Mangrove replanting efforts help stabilize shorelines and provide habitat for wildlife. Researchers study the area’s unique ecosystem to understand better how to protect it. Their work informs conservation strategies and helps track the health of plant and animal populations.

Visitor Impact Management


When kayaking in the Ten Thousand Islands, you can help minimize your impact. Stick to designated kayak trails and camping areas to avoid disturbing sensitive habitats. Properly dispose of all waste and use eco-friendly sunscreen to protect marine life.


Avoid touching or removing plants and animals to preserve the natural balance. Follow fishing regulations if you plan to fish. These rules help maintain healthy fish populations for future generations to enjoy.

How You Can Help


You can support conservation efforts even after your kayaking trip. Consider donating to local environmental organizations working in the area. Spread awareness about the importance of the Ten Thousand Islands ecosystem.


Share your experiences and encourage others to practice responsible tourism. Participate in beach cleanups or volunteer for habitat restoration projects. Your hands-on help can make a real difference in preserving this unique environment.

Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands: Camping and Accommodations

Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands


Camping in the Ten Thousand Islands offers a unique wilderness experience. You’ll need to plan ahead and follow regulations to make the most of your stay.

Permits and Regulations


To camp in the Ten Thousand Islands, you must obtain a permit. These are available at the Gulf Coast Visitor Center in Everglades City. Permits are required year-round to help protect the fragile ecosystem. You can only camp in designated sites.


Fires are not allowed on the ground, but you can use portable stoves. Pack out all trash and leave no trace of your visit. Be aware of tides when setting up camp. Choose a spot above the high tide line to avoid getting wet. Always check weather forecasts before your trip.

Camping Sites


The Ten Thousand Islands offer several camping options. You can choose from beach sites or elevated wooden platforms called chickees. Beach camping sites include:


  • Pavilion Key


  • Mormon Key


  • Tiger Key


These sites provide beautiful views but offer little shade. Bring sunscreen and bug spray. Chickee platforms are found at:


  • Lopez River


  • Sunday Bay


Chickees have a roof for shelter and a composting toilet. They’re a good choice during the rainy season. All sites are accessible only by boat or kayak. Pack enough water and food for your entire trip. There are no services available in the backcountry.

Photography and Sightseeing


The Ten Thousand Islands offer stunning scenery and diverse wildlife, making kayaking Ten Thousand Islands an unforgettable experience. Capturing these sights requires some preparation and knowledge of photography techniques.

Capturing Breathtaking Views


Pack a waterproof camera or phone case for your kayaking trip. Wide-angle lenses work well to capture the expansive island landscapes. Try shooting during the golden hour just after sunrise or before sunset for warm, soft lighting. This creates beautiful reflections on the water.


Frame your shots with mangrove branches or kayak paddles in the foreground. This adds depth and interest to your photos. Remember to capture the smaller details, too. Photograph exciting shells and bird tracks in the sand or patterns in driftwood.

Wildlife Photography Tips


  • Bring a zoom lens to photograph wildlife without disturbing them. A 200-300mm lens is ideal for most situations.


  • Be patient and quiet. Animals often appear when you least expect them. Keep your camera ready at all times.



  • Use a fast shutter speed to freeze motion when photographing birds in flight. Try 1/1000th of a second or faster.


  • Consider using burst mode to capture a series of shots. This increases your chances of getting the perfect wildlife photo.

Local Attractions and Activities

Local Attractions and Activities


Everglades City offers a mix of historical sites and natural wonders, including the renowned experience of kayaking Ten Thousand Islands. You can explore the area’s rich past and immerse yourself in the stunning wildlife reserves nearby.

Everglades City Historical Sites


Everglades City has a fascinating history as a frontier town. You can visit the Museum of the Everglades to learn about the area’s development. The museum is housed in a 1920s building that once served as a commercial laundry. Stroll through the historic district to see well-preserved buildings from the early 20th century.


The old Collier County Courthouse, now City Hall, is a notable landmark. For a unique experience, check out the Smallwood Store Museum. This former trading post gives you a glimpse into pioneer life in the Ten Thousand Islands region.

Nearby Natural Reserves


The Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge is a must-visit. You can explore its diverse ecosystems by boat or kayak. Keep an eye out for manatees, dolphins, and various bird species. Big Cypress National Preserve is just a short drive away. Here, you can hike through cypress swamps and spot alligators in their natural habitat.


Take an airboat tour of the River of Grass for a unique adventure. You’ll glide over sawgrass prairies and spot wildlife up close. Consider visiting Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park. It’s home to rare orchids and the elusive Florida panther.

Getting to Everglades City


Everglades City is accessible by car and limited public transportation. The journey offers scenic views of Florida’s natural beauty along the way.

Driving Routes


You can reach Everglades City by car from major nearby cities, making it the perfect starting point for kayaking Ten Thousand Islands. From Miami, take US-41 west for about 80 miles; the drive takes around 2 hours. From Naples, head southeast on US-41 for about 35 miles, which typically takes about 45 minutes.


If you’re coming from Fort Myers, take I-75 south to Exit 80, then follow SR-29 south for about 45 miles, a journey of roughly 1.5 hours. Remember to fuel up before entering Everglades City, as the area has limited gas stations.

Public Transportation Options


Public transportation to Everglades City is limited but available. The closest major airport is Naples Municipal Airport, about 36 miles away. From there, you can:


  • Rent a car


  • Book a shuttle service.


  • Hire a taxi or rideshare.


Some tour companies offer pick-up services from Naples and Miami airports to Everglades City. These often include guided tours of the area. Remember that public bus services don’t run directly to Everglades City. Plan your trip accordingly and book transportation, especially during peak tourist seasons.

Here’s another video exploring Ten Thousand Islands.

By: Green Ridge Outdoor Adventures (GROA)

Embracing the Adventure: Discovering the Magic of Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands


Kayaking Ten Thousand Islands near Everglades City offers an unparalleled adventure through a captivating maze of mangrove islands and pristine coastal landscapes. From the moment paddlers set off, they are immersed in a world where every turn unveils new wonders, from hidden beaches to diverse wildlife like dolphins and manatees. The experience is enriched by the dynamic environment shaped by tides and natural erosion, making each journey uniquely memorable.

As you explore this stunning region, respecting and preserving its delicate ecosystem is essential. Following local guidelines and supporting conservation efforts ensures that future generations can enjoy the same breathtaking beauty. Embrace the adventure, let the Ten Thousand Islands reveal their secrets, and experience the magic of Florida’s hidden coastal wilderness in its purest form.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Selecting a Kayaking Tour in the Everglades' Ten Thousand Islands, What Should You Consider?

Choose a tour that matches your skill level and interests. Look for guided trips that explore Fakahatchee Bay or shorter paddles to Chokoloskee. Check if the tour includes equipment and safety briefings. Consider the length of the tour and the areas it covers. Some tours focus on wildlife viewing, while others may emphasize the ecosystem or history of the region.

Where Can You Find a Map to Navigate the Ten Thousand Islands by Kayak?

You can get maps at the Gulf Coast Visitor Center in Everglades City. Online resources and GPS apps designed for kayakers are also available. Always carry a physical map as a backup. Familiarize yourself with the area before setting out on your kayaking trip.

How Can You Safely View Wildlife Like Alligators When Kayaking in the Ten Thousand Islands?

Maintain a safe distance from all wildlife, especially alligators. Use binoculars for a closer view without disturbing animals. Stay in your kayak when observing wildlife. Never feed animals; this can alter their natural behavior and create dangerous situations.

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