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Britton Hill In FL Is Worth Visiting And More

Britton Hill in FL is one of the places in Lakewood Park, DeFuniak Springs City, that is worth getting to. The spot allows visitors to claim a climbing achievement with ease. Reaching it means arriving at the highest point in the entire state of Florida. It also implies reaching the lowest high point in the U.S. It’s a privilege because not everyone gets to do it. Also, it doesn’t even demand putting on complete climbing gear and hiking for hours. So these things alone make it worth getting to.
Besides, visiting the hill also lets folks have an excellent time in Lakewood Park. There are also nearby restaurants and attractions in Walton County. Still, other high peaks and prominent mountains are within reach. Thus it’s no wonder why folks make an effort to make Walton County part of their tourist destination.

Visiting The Lakewood Park and Britton Hill in FL

The address of the park is 2759 North County Highway, 285 Defuniak Springs. To get there, take the Interstate 10 and reach U.S. Route 331 to go north for about 32 kilometers or 20 miles. There ought to be a sign on the right side of the road that will show where the park and hill are. It’s only 4 kilometers or 3 miles to the parking area from that sign. Once you’re there, it’s easy to see where the high point is. There should be a stone there that indicates the 345 feet elevation of the hill. Getting in won’t cost you a thing because admission is free and it’s open from dawn to dusk. Thus we can say that it’s a cheap way to experience something awesome.
It may be interesting but the high point in Florida isn’t only the one that is worth the visit. The park itself has plenty of scenic views and other features to offer. For instance, there are trails that not only lead to the stone marker but are also great for hiking. The place has very few bugs to pester guests, public restrooms, and plenty of benches and gazebos to use. So it also makes for a nice picnic area and outdoor exploration.

Things To See In And Know About Lakewood Park

Aside from Britton Hill in FL, there are farmland birds, cows, and crickets to see and hear. There are also open fields with grass, large oak trees, bushes, and fresh air all around. They are visible from Lakewood Park’s driveway and within the park itself. Inside the park are also short forested trails, marked by red and blue markers. One of them leads to a bench that shows the supposed actual location of the highest point in Florida. We can say that stopping here for a while provides unique experiences too. So this area outside and Northeast of Paxton Florida, before Alabama, is also worth the visit.
As for its history, it was in 1956 when Florida determined the location of its highest point. People named the hill after a timber baron in the 1900s, William Henry Britton. It was he and his brother, Thomas Jones Britton, who had a lumber company and developed the area. They delivered lumber to some of the most well-known places in America. Examples are the Waldorf Astoria and Grand Central Station. Because of their lumber mill, the town of Lakewood made its way on the U.S. map. Later on, their descendants decided to donate 17 acres of land to create the park. Thus visiting the park and reaching the hill also means going to where there is a rich history.

What People Are Saying About Britton Hill In FL

Local and foreign guests of Lakewood park enjoy taking a quick run or walks on the short or 1-mile trail. That’s because there is plenty of lush sandhill greens all around to appreciate. With such, it’s easy to breathe in and feel cool, fresh air. Yet the place isn’t open to accommodating pets because it doesn’t allow dogs on the trails. So it’s a location where adults, children, and seniors can enjoy themselves.
The park itself is clean and only a few visit it from time to time. Surrounding it are open and farm areas too. But, according to Tripadvisor, there are nearby establishments within 6 miles for food. Examples are Monterrey’s Mexican Grill, Ranch House Kitchen, and The Crafty Bean. These serve Mexican cuisines and cafe food in Florala, Alabama. Thus it wouldn’t take long to stop by and enjoy the entire park. Yet after visiting there are options for travelers to continue their trip.

Things To Enjoy In Defuniak Springs

Walton County is proud of its obscure hill that ranks as the steepest in Florida’s highest points. Even if it usually isn’t crowded with tourists, local tourism still recommends it. Also, the city of Defuniak Springs within the county has plenty more to offer. In this way, before or after visiting Britton Hill in FL, can have more fun.

Lake Stanley Park

Situated at Shoemaker Drive, Defuniak Springs, this park is southeast of Britton Hill. The city runs this park and guests continue to frequent it. It may take 30 minutes to an hour to get there from Lakewood Park. But reaching the area is worth it because of what’s in there.
It’s an open area for swimming where visitors can also do some boating. There are also 100 acres of cool and open water that allow for fishing opportunities on the water or at the pier. Still, the land has plenty of amenities for recreation. For kids and adults, there are swing sets, picnic tables, slides, and restrooms. Thus it comes as no surprise why folks come to visit this spot from time to time.

Danley Hill

If Britton Hill in FL is the first then this is the fifth-highest elevation in Florida. Yet it is also second in Walton County. Getting there from Lakewood Park doesn’t take long. A 10 to 15-minute drive may be all it takes to get to it. Folks can take the North County Highway 258, turn to Tedder Road, and reach County Highway 181. From there, it’s the Punch Bowl Road to reach the hill.
But, for this excursion, you may need to prepare for some trail and even off-trail hiking.

Lake Jackson RV Park

The City of Florala in Alabama owns and operates this 40-acre park. It charges different fees for water and non-water sites per day or per week. But, upon entry, it’s easy to see why the main attraction is the lake itself. The open water is not only clean but also clear and great for swimming, boat riding, and angling. It has a lakeside area with clean white sands, walking and bike trails, and scenic areas for outdoor meals. With modern conveniences, there are even picnic pavilions and other amenities in it. So people enjoy spending some time in it.
Aside from the picnic spots, it also has areas with tall pines, hardwoods, grass, and other plants. Those who manage the park offer these locations as campgrounds to guests. Plus, visitors don’t have to worry about power. There are cable TV, Wi-Fi connection, and coin-operated laundry machines available. Travelers only need to settle fees, make themselves comfortable, and enjoy.

Walton County Heritage Museum

There is a significant distance between Britton Hill in FL. Yet, with the things that it has to offer, it’s one of the tourist destinations that are worth trying. The museum at 1140 Circle Drive offers a unique set of artifacts. But, to see them, there must be reservations. Also, the place is only open from 1 to 4 in the afternoon on Tuesdays to Saturdays. So call first before you arrive.
This museum has a large collection of exhibits that tell about the old Defuniak Springs. There are items from past and present business establishments, schools, and even hotels. Also available are some agricultural and industrial tools in Walton County. Of course, there are also plenty of preserved photographs to see. Thus it’s worth stopping by this site to get some history about Walton County Florida.

In Conclusion

Britton Hill in FL may not be one of the most popular places to visit in Florida but it’s a worthy tourist spot. It’s situated in Lakewood Park, Defuniak City, where also lots of attractions are. When going there, travelers get the benefit of reaching the highest point in the state. That is while doing some leisure walks and getting in touch with nature. Even so, Lakewood Park allows for eating outdoors and a bit of farmland exposure. So folks get to enjoy their quick stay in the park.
Even if a trip to Britton Hill may be quick, the elevation is where plenty of tourist destinations are. Walton County has many places for activities, as mentioned in this article. There are those for family and couple excursions and also single tourists. It’s only up to travelers to get to them before or after reaching the hill.

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