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Know What To Take Biking In Florida


Biking in Florida is within reach, affordable, pleasurable, and thrilling altogether. After all, trails throughout the sunshine state are gorgeous and perfect for exploration. Besides, cycling is an activity that helps with exercise and stress relief.

Hence, getting a bicycle and making bicycling a hobby is worth it. It only makes sense to figure out what to take biking in Florida first. Thus it pays to know the Everglades state and the art of bicycling.


biking in Florida

Woman Riding a Red Bicycle on Dirt Road


Amateurs and experienced cyclists roam the paths within the sunshine state. But, before hitting the road, riders first find the right pedal cycle. Take note that bikes come in different sizes and with various unique features.

Be that as it may, not all bicycles are best for the usual back-and-forth trips and daring roads. In this post, we’ll discuss what cycling in Florida is like. Also included are what novices need to know about getting and riding a bicycle.


Why Biking In Florida Is Great


There are lovely locations in the state, with their spacious plus even grounds and slopes. Rough surfaces with obstacles are available for challenging trips too. Florida’s sunlight, humidity, and temperatures are ideal for cycling.

Yet, it’s a place that sometimes comes with a few issues. On some occasions, bikers encounter random strong winds and sporadic thunderstorms. Still, a few paths experience traffic congestion sometimes.

It’s why, for different situations, it’s important to figure out what to take biking in Florida.


biking in Florida

Silver and Pink Bike Handle Bar


Because of the state’s positive attributes, many even consider it a paradise. Good weather, coasts, forests, and old-fashioned auras surround concrete paths and off-road trails.

Ways go for miles, and trips last for hours, giving riders clean, fresh, and gentle forest and ocean breeze. The place even ranks as the 10th friendliest state for cycling enthusiasts.

Hence, there is no doubt about Florida being a great location for cycling.


Cycling On The Trails Of Florida


There are many major or formal trails and informal paths for biking in Florida. Many bikeways connect coasts and even reach the central parts of the sunshine state.

Taking them means going on long trips, sightseeing, unwinding, and reaching tourist destinations. Hence it’s not surprising in any way why many travelers are biking in Florida.


biking in Florida

Man Riding On A Bike


Below are examples of the paths in the everglades state that many enjoy. Travelers often take these during their free time, vacation, or the holiday season. Reading this section, you can learn what to take biking in Florida.


Spring To Spring Trail


25 to 26 miles long, and in Volusia County in Central Florida, it links two parks. That would be the Gemini Springs Park to DeLeon Springs State Park. On the path, friendly towns and various springs are accessible.

It involves passing by lakes, creeks, and swamps. Thus, seeing creatures is often part of the experience of passing over this trail. Specifically, you may see exotic birds, deers, and alligators along the way.

Although the sunshine state is quite sunny for the most part, this trail has plenty of shaded areas. Thus this tree-filled spot with wooden bridges can be what to take biking in Florida.


biking in Florida

Gemini Springs Park in Volusia County, Florida


At most, the biking in Florida offers paved paths. Using a road bike or triathlon bike would be useful here. There’s even limited vehicular traffic, which makes the road perfect for family outings.

Guests passing by can even walk and skate. Plus, a few areas are wheelchair accessible. So this trail is also excellent for biking excursions.


Gainesville-Hawthorne Trail


This is a historic, 16-mile and 10-feet wide trail with many features. People can encounter curves, hills, and secret hiking paths along the way. Lined with trees, it connects the urban Gainesville to the countryside of Hawthorne.

Guests can stop by at certain spots on the road to visit mixed landscapes. After all, it’s where marshes, grasslands, and open waters are. During their trip, folks can witness wild bison, horses, and gators.

Hence, it’s a superb road for biking in Florida.


biking in Florida

Gemini Springs Park in Volusia County, Florida


It gets crowded in Gainsville sometimes, yet it gets quiet and relaxing after leaving. The road may be long, but at least there are many shaded regions and stops for water refilling. Still, along the way, restrooms are available.

You should be fine here if you’re on a road bike, commuter bike, BMX, or another bicycle. That’s because the paved roads are easy to take. So traveling on this road gets adventure and convenience altogether.


Suncoast Trail


Very long at 42 miles, it goes through three counties that permit secure and easy recreation. Passing Hillsborough, Pasco, and Hernando, it’s one of Florida’s longest roads for biking.

The way shows travelers some natural, residential, and agricultural locations along the path. That is with interpretive signs that make the surroundings more interesting. The verdant road even leads to the Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park.

So traversing through it can open opportunities for nature exploration. That would be camping, fishing, hiking, and even skating.


biking in Florida

Pasco County Suncoast Trail sign


Taking this trail means having the chance to do plenty of sightseeing. Also, going for this path means having a scenic long ride. Yet, because of its length, it may be better to tag some companions along. |

Likewise, you may have to find out what to take biking in Florida to take care of yourself while on the road. Hence, riding on this bikeway may demand a bit of preparation.

Yet, like when passing other Florida trails, the experience will likely be worth it.


Discover What To Take Biking In Florida


Bicycle makers produce various kinds of vehicles to cater to unique customer requirements. Riders have distinctive interests in traveling and have different sizes, after all. Hence, biking in Florida involves looking for the right bicycle first.

Included in the bike selection process is taking into account several factors. Of course, there’s the cyclist’s height, weight, and reach. The next thing that comes to mind is the terrain that the biker wishes to take.

Still, consider comfort, stability, speed, and product durability too. So it takes a bit of effort to end up with the right bicycle, especially when touring Florida.


biking in Florida

Vintage bike parts on display


It’s great to be familiar with bicycle parts, but having the right type matters more. Check the different kinds below for a functional, dependable, pleasurable bike.


Common Bike Types For Biking in Florida


It’s easier to pick what to take biking in Florida when you’re aware of your options. Get to know what sort of bicycles there are and see what suits you based on your needs and preferences.

What follows are the usual bike varieties to select when visiting the sunshine state. There are other vehicles for cycling, but these are what folks often use in their journey.


Road Bikes


These bicycles are common, used by many for recreation and a few for commuting. Cyclists can reach places fast when biking in Florida on one of these vehicles.

Designed for driving on paved paths, they allow bikers to achieve great speed. After all, they have many gears, a drop handlebar, small wheels and lean tires, and a compact saddle.


biking in Florida

Bike race on an old mountain road


Compared to utility bikes, these bicycles can cover long distances. Still, they are lightweight vehicles and aren’t as demanding to paddle. So it’s ordinary for people to use them for endurance training and touring on most, if not all, types of flat trails.


Gravel Bikes


These bicycles usually look sporty and also have a drop handlebar design. Yet they come with wider tires and low gears. Still, with their build, they are heavier to carry and maneuver when biking in Florida.

In that way, they are much more durable to use and last for a long time. So they are stronger than road bikes and can move and go fast on tarmac, asphalt, mud, and other surfaces.

If you’re not sure about what to take biking in Florida when visiting forests and hills, choose these.


biking in Florida

Close-up image of a road cyclist on a gravel bike


These bicycles are often cheaper than road bikes yet prone to issues. They are often for unpaved roads plus all-terrain bicycling and independent backpacking. Sometimes, folks use them for cross-country racing too.

Hence, it’s easy to see why they are susceptible to all kinds of trouble when on the road due to their exposure. Also, compared to other models, they may be slower to drive.

But at least they are way stabler than the others and can often take on challenging routes better. Upon inspection, it’s easy to see that their head tube is longer, enabling upright cycling.

So they are quite comfortable to use for long trips and can overcome road obstacles.


Utility or Commuter Bikes


These are ordinary vehicles that may be great for biking in urban Florida locations. It’s only since they are comfortable to drive, allowing riders to sit upright while on a trip.


biking in Florida

Cheerful young employee riding a utility bicycle


This is to say that they are great for covering short distances and promise ease of navigation. They have an angled-back handlebar that prevents riders from leaning forward.

Their pedals are often suitable for typical shoes too. Often, they have a kickstand to stand on their own. Hence, because of the comfort they provide, they may be appealing to a lot of casual bikers.


Mountain Bikes


They may not be as fast on a paved bikeway but are great for off-road travel. It’s no wonder why folks use it for biking in Florida state parks and on specific unpaved trails.


biking in Florida

Man ride mountain bike on the road


They are as reliable as gravel bikes for traveling back and forth and even racing. In truth, they can even take on rougher paths and steeper slopes. It’s easy to spot them because they have a front or full suspension and large tires.

They have lower gears, and their wheels look strong, plus they have big and lumpy tires attached. With their construction, it’s likewise safe to conclude that they are demanding to use.

So having physical fitness may be ideal for enjoying using this kind of vehicle.


Triathlon Bikes


These are for triathletes or those looking for longer rides and faster speeds. It’s noticeable that the position of the saddle on these bicycles is steeper. Because of the seat position, there’s less strain on the legs when cycling.


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Fitness athletes pedaling their bikes during a national Triathlon


Hence, the quadriceps and hamstrings can put in more effort. Their bars make riders lean forward and drop their torso for an aerodynamic position. Such a posture allows less drag when moving forward.

So it’s clear how these bikes promise speed and efficiency on the road. They can be what to take biking in Florida cross-country races.


These models are likewise faster than road bikes due to their narrow rims and small tires. Plus, their bars promise a superior grip. For that reason, they are usually pricier too.

Even though they are expensive, casual bikers buy them for their superb features. But these bikes may not be great for a beginner to ride due to their design.


Have These For Biking In Florida Too


Are you sure of what to take biking in Florida? If you’re thinking that having a bicycle alone is enough, think again. That’s because you need more than a vehicle to have a pleasant trip in the everglades state.

Even if a bike can take you places, you must have things for comfort, security, and help on the road. It’s important to carry more than a mobile phone with you too.

So, before leaving, try to see that you have some, if not all, the things listed under.


Padded Cycling Shorts and Helmet


These things are what to take biking in Florida because of their comfort and safety. With them on, there’s peace of mind when biking in Florida turns. After all, padded cycling shorts give pressure protection while sitting on a saddle.


biking in Florida

fully equipped cyclist riding a bicycle


These garments supply cushioning for the buttocks and genital area. Because of that, cycling becomes cozy, and performance efficiency turns achievable. A helmet on the head avoids head injury.

Such protective gear helps a rider prevent internal and external damage. So it matters to have them on before cycling.


The Right Pedals


When riding a bike, it matters to select what pedals to use. That’s because it allows for a better riding experience. With the right ones, achieving certain stability and speeds is possible.

Clipped pedals are for cyclists who want absolute efficiency on the road. After all, these allow the pedals to stick to the shoes and prevent slipping. Flat or platform pedals, though, are different.


biking in Florida

Gray Metal Bike Pedal


They are traditional and open, allowing more freedom for foot movement. These don’t demand special footwear. Still, there strapped or clipped models are available.

Some consider them outdated, but there are a few still using them. Also, they are often used only for casual biking, and shoes can get trapped. Hence, when biking in Florida, you also have options for your pedals.


Sunscreen and Sunglasses


They are what to take biking in Florida for sun protection. It’s not enough to have the right outfit, helmet, and shoes anymore. After all, the intense heat can penetrate garments.

Applying some sunscreen can aid in avoiding sunburn, skin cancer, and early signs of aging. Plus, putting on shades help cover and secure the eyes from UV rays.

They help prevent long-term issues such as cataracts and stop glares from blinding. Hence, many smart cyclists always have them on before hitting the road.


biking in Florida

Sunscreen and sunglass


But, when putting sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before a trip, go for that with the right SPF value and hydrates. Consider getting the right pair of sunglasses too.

Choose the kind that has the right tint and grade for your eyes. It matters to get these things right since biking in Florida becomes more pleasant with them on you.


A Water Bottle With Cage


Traveling far means needing plenty of water for hydration. It’s not even always about quenching thirst too. Being hydrated means having the right elements in your body to keep you going.

Thus, bringing a container with the right liquid and holder matters. Experts recommend carrying a water bottle with a cage that can accommodate a lot of liquid. After all, you might need more than something to drink.

Sometimes, it may be important to pour on body parts because of the intense heat and dirt. So it would be smart to invest in a quality container and holder.


biking in Florida

Water Bottle in Bike


Having 500 ml to liters of water is very helpful. Yet cycling for long hours may be very draining. Hence, instead of water,  it may sometimes be appropriate to have sports drinks instead.

They are different than energy drinks because they contain more than sugar. These beverages have electrolytes to maintain the fluids and functioning plus stop dehydration.

Thus having it when biking in Florida can give plenty of help.


Tools For In Navigation


Biking long distances involve moving from place to place for minutes at a time or hours straight. Hence, a rider may find it exhausting and reach dawn or night.

Because of these issues, carrying certain items is very practical. For instance, putting on a headlight and taillight is a good idea. Such things can help view what’s in front and at the rear.

That is while signaling other road users about your presence. Another thing to have is a GPS device to track your location and directions. No matter how familiar you are with a trail, having such a gadget is imperative.

It’s even helpful to bring a compass along. So invest in these devices when biking in Florida to travel easily and reach destinations.


biking in Florida

Bicycle navigation system gear on a race bike cockpit


Other than the ones mentioned, riders recommend bringing repair and first-aid kits. There’s no telling when road mishaps may happen, so having them is better to be on the safe side.

Yet note that it’s crucial to only have items you can use with confidence. The first-aid kit includes things to treat wounds, fractures, and dehydration. Have those to repair common issues too.

Flat or punctured tires, snapped chains, damaged brakes, and the like may happen. Plus, carry only essentials to avoid having bulky baggage. So it takes strategy to experience pleasant biking in Florida.


That’s it for our guide on biking in Florida.


Biking in Florida is an awesome way to explore the everglades state. The place has a lot of trails to try, and each of them often offers plenty of scenic attractions.

It’s only that, before you leave, you may want to get the right bike first. Also, have all the necessary gear. Once you have most, if not all, things covered, you’re good to go.

That’s all for this post. If you’ve got questions about what to take biking in Florida, please send us a message. Also, make sure to check some more posts about bikes and Florida trails next time. For now, happy trails!


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