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Have you ever touched a starfish or seen a dolphin up close? At Florida Ocean Fest 2024, these experiences come to life! Experience marine adventures, enjoy exciting water sports, and learn about protecting our oceans. Are you ready for an unforgettable ocean adventure? Keep reading to learn more about this exciting event!

Florida Ocean Fest 2024 promises to be a premier event, blending marine adventure with musical revelry under the sunny skies of Florida’s famed coastline. Whether you are an ardent ocean conservationist, a music aficionado, or simply looking for an immersive beachside experience, this festival offers a vast array of activities and exhibits tailored to celebrate and protect our oceanic environment. From vibrant live performances to educational exhibits, the annual extravaganza connects you with the wonders of the marine world while offering endless entertainment.

Set against the stunning backdrop of Florida’s beaches, the event’s meticulously planned schedule ensures that every attendee can make the most of the festival’s offerings. You’ll have the opportunity to dive into ocean conservation through interactive displays and engaging talks while enjoying a lineup of acclaimed musical artists. Florida Ocean Fest 2024 isn’t just a festival. It’s a movement encouraging responsible enjoyment and awareness of our planet’s aquatic resources. Information on ticket purchasing, registration details, and the full lineup of events will be readily accessible. We’ll ensure you can easily plan your festival experience.

Key Takeaways


  • Engage with marine conservation efforts and enjoy live music on Florida’s beaches.
  • Access a full schedule of educational and entertainment options for all attendees.
  • Find all necessary event information to prepare for a seamless festival experience.

Event Overview

Florida Ocean Fest 2024 promises to immerse you in a world of ocean conservation, education, and entertainment. This festival is a convergence of environmental awareness and community engagement set against a backdrop of lively music and interactive experiences.

History of Florida Ocean Fest

The festival began as a grassroots initiative aimed at drawing attention to the importance of ocean habitats. Over the years,
Florida Ocean Fest has evolved into a prominent event that celebrates the ocean’s beauty and diversity and emphasizes its critical role in planetary health.

Purpose and Vision

Florida Ocean Fest is committed to a vision of sustainable ocean usage. The festival’s purpose is to educate attendees on marine conservation while engaging them in
fun and impactful activities. Through interactive exhibits, live music, and educational talks, the festival unites like-minded individuals to foster a community that values and protects our oceans.

Dates and Duration

Florida Ocean Fest 2024 is scheduled to take place over
two days, assuring ample time for a full spectrum of activities and experiences. Save the date for this enriching and vibrant celebration dedicated to ocean conservation:


  • Start Date: September 13, 2024
  • End Date: September 14, 2024

Program Schedule

Your experience at Florida Ocean Fest 2024 begins with a rich program of events designed to educate, entertain, and inspire. Each day is carefully structured to provide you with many engaging activities, from the opening ceremony to the final musical note.

Opening Ceremony

The festivities kick off promptly at 9:00 AM on Friday with the Opening Ceremony. You’ll witness a traditional coastal welcoming ritual followed by a parade featuring local marine life costumes and art installations, setting the stage for an immersive weekend experience.

Keynote Speeches

Over the course of the festival, you’re invited to attend a series of
Keynote Speeches from renowned marine biologists, conservationists, and influencers in the oceanographic community. These will occur daily between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM.

Workshops and Seminars

A variety of
Workshops and Seminars are scheduled between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM each day. You can participate in hands-on marine conservation workshops or attend seminars on sustainable fisheries and the future of oceanic exploration.

Live Music Performances

Each evening concludes with
Live Music Performances featuring a lineup of celebrated artists and local bands that will serenade you against the backdrop of the Atlantic. Performances start at 7:00 PM and continue until 11:00 PM, promising a vibrant celebration of coastal culture and community.

Exhibitions and Attractions

As you explore Florida Ocean Fest 2024, prepare to be immersed in a world dedicated to oceanic wonders and conservation efforts. Each exhibit is a testament to the event’s commitment to showcasing the beauty and importance of marine life and habitats.

Marine Conservation Booths

At the heart of Ocean Fest,
Marine Conservation Booths offer you a first-hand look at ongoing preservation initiatives. Here, you can engage with scientists and activists, learn about their latest projects, and discover ways to contribute to ocean conservation.

Interactive Sea Life Exhibits

Dive into the
Interactive Sea Life Exhibits for an up-close experience with marine creatures. These displays allow you to interact with life-sized models and digital interfaces, providing an educational and engaging way to learn about the diverse inhabitants of our oceans.

Local Art Display

Discover the vibrant culture of Florida through the
Local Art Display, where artists from across the state showcase their ocean-themed masterpieces. This collection includes paintings, sculptures, and installations inspired by the sea, reflecting the local community’s connection to their coastal environment.

Food and Beverage Vendors

Satisfy your taste buds at the
Food and Beverage Vendors area, featuring a selection of local seafood and refreshing drinks. This is a perfect spot to relax and indulge in culinary delights celebrating Florida’s coastline flavors.

Tickets and Registration

Securing your spot at Florida Ocean Fest 2024 is a straightforward process, with a variety of ticket options and discounts available. Below you’ll find detailed information to help you register and take advantage of early booking.

Ticket Categories


  • Single-Day Pass – Access to the festival for any one day.
  • Weekend Pass – Includes entry for both days of the event.


For specific performances or VIP experiences, check tickets for additional options.

Registration Process


  1. Visit the Florida Fin Fest ticket page.
  2. Select the ticket category that suits your needs.
  3. Fill in the required personal details.
  4. Proceed to payment and await your confirmation email.


Please print out your tickets or have them available on your mobile device for entry.

Early Bird Discounts


  • Early Bird Offer – A limited number of tickets are available at a reduced rate if purchased before a specified date.


Keep an eye on the event’s official website or sign up for the newsletter for announcements on early bird sales.

Group Packages


  • Group Discounts – Available for parties of five or more.


Contact the ticket office directly for arrangements and detailed pricing.

Remember, ticket availability is on a first-come-first-served basis. Make sure to secure your tickets early to enjoy the Ocean Fest without any hiccups!

Venue Information

Your experience at Florida Ocean Fest 2024 will be thrilling and comfortable. This section provides details on the venue’s location, parking, and transportation options, as well as accessibility and accommodations to ensure a seamless experience.

Location Details

The Florida Ocean Fest 2024 will be hosted along the scenic Intracoastal Waterway in West Palm Beach. This waterfront location offers a picturesque backdrop for the festival’s events, enhancing your overall experience with its natural beauty and vibrant atmosphere.

Parking and Transportation

Limited parking will be available near the venue. It’s recommended to arrive early to secure a spot.


  • Standard Parking – Accessible from main roads, subject to availability.
  • VIP Parking – Requires pre-purchase and provides closer proximity to the event entrance.


  • Public Transit – Check local schedules for buses and trains that service the downtown area.
  • Ride Shares – Lyft, Uber, and local taxi services will have designated drop-off and pick-up areas.

Accessibility and Accommodations

The venue is fully accessible, with ramps and special viewing areas to accommodate all guests.

  • ADA Seating – Available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Assistance – Event staff will be on-site to help with any accessibility needs.


Accommodations: Nearby hotels offer a range of options, from budget-friendly to luxury. It’s advisable to book your stay early, as rooms fill up quickly due to the festival’s popularity.


Participant Information

As you prepare to join the Florida Ocean Fest 2024, it’s crucial to be aware of the specific guidelines for participation, the safety measures in place, and the opportunities available for volunteers.

Guidelines for Participants

Your participation in the Florida Ocean Fest is subject to certain rules and expectations. Ensure timely submission of your application as outlined by the
Florida State Parks. Follow the deadlines and provide the necessary documentation, including a sample recording for performers. Be mindful of the performance criteria and respect the event’s ethos that centers on ocean conservation and education.

Safety Measures

Your safety is paramount. The Florida Ocean Fest takes place come rain or shine, but in the case of severe weather, modifications to the event’s operation may occur. Stay informed about weather conditions and prepare for the possibility of an outdoor event in varying weather. Follow the
Florida Fin Fest FAQ’s for the latest updates on safety protocols and emergency procedures.

Volunteer Opportunities

Contributing your time as a volunteer can be an enriching way to experience Florida Ocean Fest. A range of roles are available, from event setup to visitor guidance. Volunteer contributions support the smooth running of the festival and the promotion of ocean conservation. For more detailed information on how to get involved, refer to the official event resources or contact the festival organizers directly.

Sponsorship and Partnerships

In the dynamic landscape of events, securing robust sponsorship and partnerships is crucial for the success of Florida Ocean Fest 2024. These collaborations enhance the event’s offerings and provide a platform for businesses to gain visibility.

Sponsor Benefits

As a Florida Ocean Fest 2024 sponsor, you’ll obtain access to a unique audience eager to celebrate marine life and conservation. Your brand will be prominently featured across the event, including marketing materials, event signage, and digital platforms. Additionally, sponsors will have the opportunity to engage with attendees through product placements, exhibitions, and interactive activities.

Benefits include:


  • Brand Visibility – Your logo and brand message will be displayed at the event and on official event media.
  • Networking Opportunities – Connect with industry leaders, conservationists, and ocean enthusiasts.

Community Engagement –
Participation in an event that promotes marine conservation and education.

How to Become a Partner

To become a partner with Florida Ocean Fest 2024, start by expressing your interest through the
Florida Ocean Fest 2024’s official sponsorship inquiry page. Once you’ve reached out, a dedicated team member will guide you through the selection process and help tailor a partnership package that aligns with your brand’s mission and goals.

Steps to partnership:


  1. Submit an inquiry on the event’s website.
  2. Review partnership tiers and select the best fit for your brand.
  3. Finalize the partnership with the team and begin collaboration.

Current Sponsors and Partners

The Florida Ocean Fest 2024 boasts a diverse array of sponsors and partners, ranging from local businesses to international corporations dedicated to ocean conservation and community engagement. This collective of like-minded entities plays a pivotal role in the execution and success of the event.

For a list of current sponsors and partners, visit:



Florida Ports Council sponsorship opportunities for entities involved in maritime and port industries.

Environmental Impact

As you look forward to REEF Fest 2024, it’s important to recognize the environmental impact this event is designed to mitigate through focused sustainability and conservation initiatives.

Sustainability Initiatives

REEF Fest has implemented several sustainability initiatives to reduce the event’s ecological footprint.
Firstly, they prioritize waste reduction. You’ll observe a strict ‘no single-use plastic’ policy in place to prevent pollution. The event showcases eco-friendly products, and recycling stations are set up throughout the fest. Secondly, transport for event-goers encourages carpooling and the use of bicycles, thereby cutting down on fossil fuel emissions.

Ocean Conservation Efforts

The festival’s
ocean conservation efforts are particularly noteworthy. Educational seminars, led by marine biologists and conservationists, are a core aspect of REEF Fest. It’s a time when you can learn about ongoing reef restoration and marine ecosystem protection projects. These seminars are integral in fostering a community of informed advocates for ocean conservation. Additionally, REEF Fest includes guided eco-tours, allowing you to experience the unique marine environment and understand the importance of preserving such ecosystems firsthand.

Media and Press

For media professionals interested in covering the Florida Ocean Fest 2024, comprehensive resources and guidelines have been prepared to facilitate your reporting.

Press Kit

Your detailed
Press Kit includes high-resolution images, festival branding guidelines, historical information, and the latest press releases. It is designed to provide a thorough background to enhance your media coverage. To access the kit, please register your media organization.

Event Coverage Policies

To ensure a smooth experience for everyone, our
Event Coverage Policies outline the do’s and don’ts:


  • Accreditation – Mandatory for all journalists and photographers. Apply by January 15, 2024.
  • Conduct – Respectful interaction with participants and adherence to event schedules is expected.
  • Equipment – Specify any special equipment you plan to bring in your accreditation application.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the Tortuga Music Festival, you have a variety of contact methods:

General Information and Inquiries:


  • Email: info@tortugamusicfestival.com
  • Phone: 1 (800) 123-4567 (Mon-Fri, 9 AM – 5 PM ET)

Ticket Support:


  • Email: ticketsupport@tortugamusicfestival.com
  • Phone: 1 (800) 654-3210 (Mon-Fri, 10 AM – 4 PM ET)

Vendor Information:


  • Email: vendors@tortugamusicfestival.com

Press Inquiries:


  • Email: press@tortugamusicfestival.com

Volunteer Opportunities:


  • Email: volunteers@tortugamusicfestival.com

For Florida Fin Fest information:

General Information and Inquiries:

  • Email: contact@flfinfest.com

To keep up-to-date with announcements or changes:

Please refer to the official Tortuga Music Festival website or the Florida Fin Fest webpage for all other inquiries or further assistance. Remember to check out the FAQs on their respective websites for quick answers to common questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, you’ll find the information you need about the dates, activities, and ticket purchasing for Florida Ocean Fest 2024.

What are the dates for the Florida Ocean Fest 2024?

Florida Ocean Fest 2024 will take place on specific dates yet to be announced. For similar events, dates can often be found well in advance, as seen with REEF Fest, which informs attendees about future dates post-event.

What types of activities are available at the Florida Ocean Fest 2024?

You can expect a variety of marine-themed activities, including educational talks, conservation workshops, diving and snorkeling excursions, and opportunities to engage with marine life experts. Events like the Ocean Sciences Meeting often provide insights into the types of activities available at ocean-related festivals, though specifics can be found closer to the event date.

How can tickets be purchased for the Florida Ocean Fest 2024?

Tickets will be available for purchase through the official Florida Ocean Fest website or authorized ticket vendors. As with similar events, you may find early bird pricing or special package deals, and it is advised to check the event’s official resources for the most up-to-date ticketing information.

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