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What Plants Attract Hummingbirds and Butterflies?


Our gardens can be valuable regions of quiet, calm, and quietness (despite our neighbor’s love for power tools). Still, they are also hubs of activity for the bees, butterflies, birds, and various other creatures who rely on them for food and refuge. How do you select what plants attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your backyard?

Listen to the buzz, whir, and whoosh of animals feeding, resting, and socializing in the garden. All of this activity also serves as an essential pollination service! Pollinators come in various forms and sizes, including bees, moths, butterflies, beetles, flies, and even bats.

Knowing which plants are excellent for pollinators and incorporating them into our gardens contributes to creating a healthy and dynamic environment in which flora and wildlife thrive.

Well, what plants attract hummingbirds and butterflies? A handful of the numerous plants that will attract pollinators to your garden are listed below. We’ve concentrated on perennial flowers for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds in this post. These plants are perennials, which means they will come back year after year, providing a feast for our pollinator friends and beauty for us to enjoy.


Butterflies on flowers. Two Great Spangled Fritillary butterflies on two flowers stock photography

How to attract hummingbirds and butterflies in the garden?

A healthy garden is bustling with activity—earthworms in the soil, flying animals visiting the blooms that attract bees. If you want to attract butterflies, much like bees, particular colors will have them fluttering over your flower beds. This selection of beautiful annuals and perennials that support and attract butterflies is a great place to start.

So, what’s the point of a butterfly garden? And more importantly, what plants attract hummingbirds and butterflies? Naturally, we like looking at fascinating and exotic-looking insects, and some people even wish to nurture butterflies at home. A successful butterfly garden will offer the insect food and shelter throughout its life cycle.

Milkweed and aster, for example, provide a secure haven for caterpillar eggs to develop. In addition, food should be available for caterpillars to create and turn into a pupa in a butterfly garden (aka chrysalis). Adult butterflies feed on nectar produced by goldenrod and snapdragons.

It’s not difficult to attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your garden if you provide for their requirements. They, for example, require nectar as a source of nutrition and like some of the same plants. In addition, hummingbirds love tubular blooms, which they eat from while hovering.

Hummingbirds build their nests while butterflies lay their eggs on selected host plants. These plants serve as a food source for the butterfly’s caterpillar stage. You’ll need to give these plants as well if you wish to attract and retain butterflies in your yard.

Your yard will become a popular butterfly destination if you grow Milkweed (which isn’t technically a weed!). The swallowtail butterfly, on the other hand, is a little more challenging to deal with. Herbs like dill, parsley, and fennel are favorites of their caterpillar stage. If you plant such herbs, you must be willing to share your garden with them.

What plants attract hummingbirds and butterflies?

More information on what plants attract hummingbirds and butterflies, as well as how to keep them happy, healthy, and coming back to your yard, can be found here. Below are some of the plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds,




1. Sunflower:

  • Sunflower (scientific name: Helianthus annuus) is an annual plant.
  • Summer wouldn’t be complete without colossal sunflower stalks.
  • They’re a favorite of seed-eaters, but they’re also a good nectar source because they bloom until early October.
  • Though the typical sunflower is yellow, there are now red, brown, and other colors available. Gardeners are frequently startled to discover that these blooms attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and songbirds.







2. Salvia:

  • Salvia is a popular annual that attracts hummingbirds because of its tubular-shaped blooms.
  • While they are drawn to the color red, they will eat salvia in any hue, even the black and blue types.
  • Salvia blooms all summer long, and deadheading may sometimes stimulate even more flowers.



what plants attract hummingbirds




3. Lupine:

  • Lupine is a short-lived perennial that self-seeds well in the garden.
  • Hummingbirds like the tubular-shaped blooms that lupine shoots up on a long stalk.
  • Late in the spring, these flowers blossom.






4. Helenium:

  • Bees and butterflies are attracted to the area.
  • It ranges from direct sunlight to partial shade.
  • Helenium stands out in the yard with its bright gold, orange, or red petals and different black cores.
  • These perennial blossoms also provide a great landing spot for bees and butterflies hungry for delicious nectar.
  • Depending on the kind, it can grow to be 1′-3′ tall and 15″-18″ broad.






5. Aster:

  • Bees and butterflies are attracted to the area.
  • It blooms from mid-summer through late fall.
  • Perennial Asters, which bloom in vivid pink, purple, blue, and white, are among the most incredible flowers for late summer and fall beauty in the garden.
  • When many other flowers are fading down in the fall, pollinators relish a feast of Aster nectar!
  • Depending on the kind, it can grow to be 1′-6′ tall and 1′-4′ broad.


what plants attract hummingbirds and butterflies






6. Joe Pye Weed:

  • Joe Pye Weed (scientific name: Eupatorium purpureum) is a perennial plant.
  • This tall perennial (up to 7 feet tall) is deserving of a place in your flower bed.
  • It features remarkable foot-long whorled leaves and huge medium-pink blossoms.
  • The blossoms also have a vanilla scent, so it’s no surprise that they attract butterflies.


Joe Pie Weed




7. Black-Eyed Susan:

  • The wildlife parade begins with hummingbirds and butterfly’s nectarine on these blooms, followed by seed-eating birds.
  • Butterflies are frequently seen among the yellow, orange, and russet blossoms.


Black-Eye Susan





8. Butterfly Weed Plant:

  • For a good cause, this plant was chosen perennial of the year in 2017.
  • The seed of the butterfly weed will grow in practically any soil and can withstand almost any environment.
  • Butterfly weed is an easy-to-grow plant with giant, orange flower heads that attract butterflies.
  • The first year, it blooms in late summer, and in the following years, it blooms from early summer till frost.


what plants attract hummingbirds

Butterfly Milkweed Plant




9. Morning Glory

  • Morning Glory plants host a kind of vining flower that has been popular for many years.
  • These are some of the most accessible vines to grow and cover fences, buildings, and walls.
  • They enjoy the sun and will grow in dry soil.
  • Morning glories are most commonly associated with the traditional blue hue. However, they also appear in a variety of shades, including crimson.
  • Hummingbirds and butterflies are attracted to the tubular-shaped blooms that blanket the vines.


Morning Glory




10. Bee Balm:

  • Bee balm is a low-maintenance perennial that comes in pink and red hues.
  • All pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, adore it, as its name suggests.


bee balm





11. Four O’clock:

  • With its distinctive shattered hue, this old favorite is making a reappearance.
  • The Four O’clock bloom late in the afternoon, unlike other flowers, which bloom all day and close in the evening.
  • It is ideal for hummingbirds and butterflies, as well as the gardener who is returning home from work.
  • The fragmented blossom color adds to the distinctiveness of this flower, making it a must-have for any garden. These are just a handful of butterfly and hummingbird-friendly flowers.
  • Remember that you must never use pesticides or insecticides if you want to retain pollinators in your garden.


Four O’Clock




12. Penstemon:

  • Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds are attracted to the area.
  • Blooms around the middle of the spring through the beginning of the summer.
  • Did you know that the Pacific Northwest is home to over 50 different Penstemon species?
  • Hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, beetles, moths, and other insects are drawn to the gorgeous blossoms.
  • This perennial grows 6″-6′ tall and 1′-2′ broad, depending on the type, in well-drained soil.






13. Chrysanthemum:

  • Chrysanthemum is an annual plant.
  • When it comes to perfect fall flowers, chrysanthemums are a must-have.
  • These show-stoppers are a terrific nectar source, whether you start with bare-root mums in the spring or buy container-grown plants in the late summer.
  • In the fall, they’re one of the last blossoms in the garden, attracting butterflies.







14. Coreopsis:

  • Bees and butterflies are attracted to the area.
  • Coreopsis is easy-to-growing Sunflower family members with sweet, bright flowers that attract bees and butterflies, as well as seed heads that attract birds.
  • Several colors, including yellow, orange, and red, are available in bright, warm tones.
  • Depending on the cultivar, this perennial grows 18″-24″ tall and broad.







15. Dahlia:

  • Dahlia is a brilliant star in the garden, large and gorgeous.
  • Though most gardeners must dig up the tubers in late fall and transplant them in the spring in most areas, the work is well worth it.
  • Huge flowers are the end product, which is excellent for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies.






So many choices! what plants attract hummingbirds:

To put a long story short, it’s as simple as planting the flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your yard. Then, plant a sufficient number of their favorites so that they may readily locate them and return them frequently.

On the other hand, hummingbirds and butterflies require more than nectar, such as water and shelter. So, when it comes to attracting hummingbirds, butterflies, or anything else that will be sampling the plants in your garden, one of the essential things to remember is to avoid applying pesticides. This guide will help you in getting the right plants that attract hummingbirds and butterflies!


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